Americans Reconnect: Talking Across the Political Divide

At a time of stark polarization, Americans Reconnect: Talking Across the Political Divide offers an antidote to our national malaise: stories of people who model the listening skills and humanity necessary to bridge political differences, showing that Americans are still capable of civility and compassion when they disagree over hot button issues.

This radio program stands out amidst a firehouse of media stories that not only seem to accept polarization as an inalterable truth but, at times, even stoke it. By contrast, this program focuses on solutions to polarization. The production team spent more than a year researching and reporting on how people can maintain relationships despite stark political differences, offering hope for a divided electorate that Americans can still come together.

A partnership with the national nonprofit organization Braver Angels is central to the reporting. The group uses family and marriage therapy techniques to help people bridge political divisions. The insights of Braver Angels co-founder Bill Doherty deeply inform the radio special and are woven throughout.

Reported by award-winning journalist Catharine Richert and produced and edited by Annie Baxter and Lorna Benson. The team has led a year-long reporting project examining polarization – and how to overcome it.


One hour

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Scheduling Suggestion

Air this program in April in conjunction with National Stress Awareness month (political polarization is a major source of stress in America currently). July 4th also offers a strong peg, as the very premise of the program is how we, as Americans, can still get along when we disagree about so much.

Digital Assets

Promote your broadcasts with the Americans Reconnect logo.


ContentDepot File Transfer

Promo spot available: March 25, 2025
Program rundown available: March 31, 2025
Date content will be available: April 1, 2025


Broadcast Window

April 1, 2025 - July 31, 2025

Broadcast Rights

Affiliate stations may carry this program multiple times before August 1, 2025. The program must be carried in its entirety. No excerpting is permitted. Simulcast streaming rights are available for this program. Prior to carrying this program, stations must contact Marge Ostroushko.

Nina Moini, Host

Nina is host of the midday show Minnesota Now from MPR News. She has spent more than a decade reporting for radio and television outlets in Florida and Minnesota and has reported extensively on immigration and race. She has won a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Investigative Reporting and Regional Emmy awards for breaking news coverage and morning newscast.

Catharine Richert, Lead Correspondent

Catharine is a correspondent based in Rochester, Minnesota. She also leads Talking Sense, a reporting project helping people have hard conversations about politics better. Catharine began her reporting career in Washington, D.C., where she covered agricultural policy and the U.S. Senate for Congressional Quarterly. In 2009, she joined the MPR News' politics team, pioneering the newsroom's disinformation beat. In 2022, her coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic earned a National Headliner Award.  

Annie Baxter, Producer/Editor

Annie edits the Talking Sense series at MPR News, which helps people bridge political divides. She has also worked as an editor on The Wall Street Journal's daily flagship podcast, The Journal, and reported on business topics at APM’s Marketplace. Annie also developed two podcasts at the Water Main, an APM initiative focused on water issues. She has won multiple journalism awards and co-teaches a narrative journalism class at Macalester College.

Lorna Benson, Producer/Editor

Lorna is the deputy managing editor for the regional and politics teams at MPR News and helped launch the newsroom’s reporting project on polarization. She is a longtime health journalist who has won multiple awards, including an IRE Award from Investigative Reporters and Editors for an investigation of Minnesota's slow response to "forever chemicals" in the water supply and environment.

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