- 2025 Spring Interim Schedule (03/09/25 - 03/29/25)
- 2025 Summer Schedule (03/30/25 - 10/25/25)
BBC World Service
00:00 - 00:59 Billboard
01:00 - 03:59 Newscast 1
04:00 - 05:59 Newscast 2
06:00 - 28:59 Program
29:00 - 29:29 National Funders
29:30 - 29:59 Cutaway
30:00 - 30:29 Billboard
30:30 - 32:29 Newscast
32:30 - 58:59 Program
59:00 - 59:59 Cutaway
BBC World Service Newscast
Stations not wishing or able to carry complete programs or hours of BBC World Service content may utilize the "Newscasts Only" service from APM and the BBC World Service. Stations may carry any and all "top of the hour" and “bottom of the hour” newscasts available 24 hours a day. There is a separate carriage fee structure for stations that carry Newscasts only.
BBC Newscasts are part of the regular 24x7 BBC World Service feed available via ContentDepot. There is no unique "Newscasts Only" feed. Stations must subscribe to each of the live stream(s) for the hours in which they wish to air the newscasts.
00:00 - 00:59 Billboard
01:00 - 03:59 Newscast 1
04:00 - 05:59 Newscast 2
30:30 - 32:29 Newscast 3
Feed Information
BBC World Service is available via ContentDepot. Stations must subscribe to each hour of BBC World Service programming they intend to air. ContentDepot program pages are set up as individual hourly live feeds (0000, 0100, 0200, etc.) for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Stations must subscribe to all hours they wish to receive.
See also: Newshour program clock

Broadcast Rights
BBC Newscasts are available to all American Public Media affiliate stations for broadcast. BBC Newscasts must be aired live; no tape delaying or editing allowed. Stations paying only for BBC Newscasts service have no rights to broadcast other content in the feeds and must contact APM if they desire full access. (Conversely, stations already subscribing to the full BBC World Service package do not need to pay for the "BBC Newscasts" service and may carry newscasts as desired.)
Questions about carrying BBC World Service or your affiliation?